Upgrading your plumbing system can help the environment and your wallet in several ways. Using eco-friendly, modern plumbing fixtures and systems comes with numerous perks, such as the ones below, and can make a significant positive difference every day.

Low-Flow Fixtures Can Help Conserve Water

One of the easiest ways to help conserve water daily is to limit how much water you use, such as turning it off when brushing your teeth and limiting how long you shower. However, another easy option is to conserve water by having a plumber install fixtures like low-flow faucets and water-saving showerheads. They’ll significantly limit how much water gets wasted on a regular basis, making them great for the environment and your home.

When you call to schedule an appointment for a plumber to install the low-flow fixtures, ask if they can also check the condition of your plumbing system. Plumbing issues such as leaks can waste a substantial amount of water, especially if the problem continues over an extended time before anyone notices.

Energy-Efficient Appliances Reduce Energy Usage

Using energy-efficient appliances at your home can significantly reduce how much energy you use, which is better for you, your home, and the environment. There are several water-using, energy-efficient appliances to consider, including washing machines, dishwashers, and water heaters.

As beneficial as they can be, don’t make the mistake of rushing out to buy them on a whim. You want to make sure to choose the best one for you and your home. For starters, decide how much you can afford to spend up-front to buy one or more. When you do your research, many websites allow you to filter your results by price, encouraging you to stick to your preferred budget.

You can also post on social media and ask for recommendations. Once you have high-quality appliance suggestions, start your research. Read reviews from past and current owners who have had the energy-efficient appliances you’re considering and weighed the pros and cons of each. If possible, contact a plumber who can advise you about which options would be ideal for your home and budget.

You May Qualify for Tax Breaks

Purchasing and installing certain energy-efficient appliances at your Texas home may allow you to qualify for a tax break. Your accountant is your best source of information. Let them know you’re interested in making eco-friendly plumbing upgrades and ask for the latest information about which would be ideal for you.

Make sure you give yourself plenty of time before the end of the year to make the upgrades. For example, if you purchase the appliance in one year but don’t receive and install it until the next, that could mean – depending on current laws and guidelines – that you might not be eligible for that tax break until the following year. Contact your accountant as far in advance as possible so you can learn the relevant information, purchase the appliances, and have them installed within the applicable timeframe.

They Reduce the Chances of Repairs

Eco-friendly water-using appliances are designed to operate efficiently. The more efficiently appliances run, the less strain they have to deal with, which is excellent for preventing repairs. The harder an appliance has to work, the higher the chances are you’ll be calling for a repair sooner rather than later.

This is great for the appliance but even better for your wallet. As long as you take care of the appliances, it will likely be a long time before you’ll have to call for a repair. Depending on the extent of the damage, some repairs can amount to quite a bit of money and end up not being worth it when a replacement costs almost as much (or less).

You Won’t Have to Worry About Replacements

As previously stated, eco-friendly appliances run more efficiently, which usually means they’ll have longer life spans than their counterparts. After buying new appliances, you won’t have to worry about replacing them for at least several years, and that’s a great weight off your shoulders and your wallet.

Before buying any eco-friendly, water-using appliances, check out their estimated life spans, but go further with your research. See how long current and past customers have said theirs lasted. Certain new appliances might hold up longer than others even if they both had the same relative amount of use and care.

Once you get your appliances, it’s important to care for them properly if you want to extend their useful life. For example, you should ideally get them checked by professionals at least once a year. You’ll also want to clean them appropriately and use them efficiently.

Reading the instruction manual is the best way to learn how to do that. It will offer information on everything from appropriate cleaning solutions to how often you should schedule tune-up appointments. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact the manufacturer for more information.

They Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Eco-friendly plumbing upgrades can significantly reduce your carbon footprint. From conserving water to reducing energy consumption, they can be a great gift to the environment. If you’re interested in learning more about your carbon footprint before the changes, many online tools can do the calculations for you.

They’re a Selling Point for Your Home

If you decide to market your home in the future, make sure you tout your eco-friendly plumbing upgrades. Many people are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of these changes for the environment and their lifestyle. For example, low-flow toilets can be a major selling point. If you make the changes now, you’ll get to enjoy all the perks of your investment until you decide to sell your home, and the new residents will get to make the most of them as well.

They Help You Save Money

The less water you use in your home, the more money you can save on water bills. When you make eco-friendly plumbing upgrades, such as installing low-flow toilets that use less water, you’re helping to cut back on expenses while also doing your part for the environment.

If you do your research before purchasing eco-friendly fixtures and appliances, you can typically get an estimate of how much you’ll save either monthly or throughout the year. Companies usually make these estimates available on their websites so consumers can make educated decisions. However, it’s also essential to do research on the findings outside of the manufacturer’s websites.

It’s also important to note that estimates can vary based on your home and living situation. For example, a family of seven will use more water than a couple living together.

Start making eco-friendly plumbing upgrades today to benefit the environment as well as your home and wallet. Ask us about our other plumbing services too, which range from sewer pipe repair and replacement to sump pump installation. In addition, we perform a full line of expert HVAC services.

If you’re in the Dallas, TX vicinity, contact us today at On Time Experts for more information about how we can help you make the positive changes you desire for your property.

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