Whether it’s the scorching hot summer or the dead of winter, one thing is for sure: you spend a lot of time inside of your home. Ensuring that your indoor air quality is high is a must to keep your family safe and healthy. One great way to help contribute to enhancing the air quality inside of your home is to invest in houseplants.

English Ivy

Known formally as the Hedera helix, this elegant plant presents classical flora that matches almost any interior design style. It’s a very versatile plant that can survive in full sun or full shade. When planted in a container with good drainage and no overcrowding, English ivy will survive for several years.

Bamboo Palm

The bamboo palm, also known as Chamaedorea seifrizii and reed palm, grows well in partial sun or shade. It’s well known for removing harmful air pollutants such as benzene and formaldehyde. This is an all-green plant that has a palm-like appearance. Depending on your pot, this plant can grow up to extravagant heights of four to 12 feet, with a growing span of about three to five feet. The bamboo palm requires moist soil that is well-drained.

Chinese Evergreen

If you’re looking for an easy-to-care-for plant, then the Chinese evergreen might be right for you. Known formally as Aglaonema modestum, this plant thrives in low to medium light. You can expect it to grow between one and two feet tall. It’s highly tolerant of poor lighting, dry air, and drought conditions. This plant comes with both green and red leaf accents. It’s important to note that this plant can be somewhat toxic to pets, so keep them away from it.

Gerbera Daisy

Gerbera jamesonii, known commonly as the Gerbera daisy, is highly effective at removing benzene from the air inside of your home. It does so while offering a mood-enhancing beauty that is unmatched by some other common houseplants on our list. These daisies are available in many different colors, including pink, white, red, orange, and yellow. They can tolerate partial or full sun and will need moist but well-drained potting soil to thrive indoors.

Madagascar Dragon Tree

Native to Madagascar, the Dracaena marginata comes in leaf colors of green to purple. It will thrive in minimal light conditions and can grow up to six feet indoors. The Madagascar dragon tree is very drought-tolerant, which makes it the perfect selection for those who aren’t great at remembering to water often.

Mother-in-Law’s Tongue (Snake Plant)

Formally known as the Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Laurentii’, this hardy succulent is known to survive in some of the toughest conditions out there. That means that it’s highly unlikely that you’ll be able to kill it. Also known as a snake plant for its thin, sword-like leaves, this plant can grow up to 30 inches tall. It’s crucial to note that this indoor plant can be toxic to both cats and dogs if consumed.

Pot Mum

Formally Chrysanthemum morifolium, the Pot Mum is great for removing benzene from indoor air. This perennial plant will bloom for about six to eight weeks. It’s available in all different colors of the spectrum and in many different combinations. It’s important to realize that pot mums aren’t meant to last for the long term. Rather, they’re meant to provide a temporary pop of color for a space while they enhance the quality level of your indoor air.

Peace Lily

Spathiphyllum ‘Mauna Loa’ is a very common houseplant that provides a great combination of dark green foliage and a few white pops of flowers. It’s well-known to handle harmful indoor toxins like formaldehyde and carbon monoxide. Peace lilies are very easy to care for and will even droop to let you know that they need to be watered.

Spider Plant

Thriving in bright, indirect sunlight, the Chlorophytum comosum ‘Vittatum’ is a great houseplant. It’s excellent for beginners as it can thrive in many different types of conditions and is tolerant of neglect. This herbaceous plant is native to South Africa and sports long, slender leaves. These leaves are green with white or yellow insides that add a layer of contrast for the eyes to enjoy.

Corn Plant

The Dracaena fragrans ‘Massangeana’ is known as the corn plant, mass cane, and happy plant. It sports wide, long leaves that have zesty pops of yellow and light greens inside of the traditional dark green. This is a great plant for filtering toxins from the air inside of your home and is available in both shrub and tree forms. The corn plant requires moderate to bright indirect light and is relatively drought-tolerant.

Lemon Button Fern

A relative of the Boston fern, the Nephrolepis cordifolia is extremely useful for removing harmful toxins present in your indoor air. It will grow about a foot high and flourish in indirect light. This plant is drought-tolerant, which makes it great for the neglectful homeowner. It sports small green fern leaves in long, slender bunches.

Aloe Vera

Aloe barbadensis is a succulent plant that is fairly easy to grow for the beginner. It’s great at removing harmful toxins like benzene and formaldehyde. Aloe vera needs direct sunlight to grow steadily and will showcase green, thick, and fleshy leaves. Apart from filtering your indoor air, the gel inside of the aloe vera leaves can be used to treat sunburns.


Our list can’t be complete without mentioning the NASA-recommended Ficus benjamina. This tree is also referred to as the ficus tree and weeping tree. The ficus tree enjoys bright indirect or filtered sunlight. It can be very sensitive to changing conditions, such as a move to a new location in your home. Ficus trees can grow up to 10 feet indoors and are desired for their twisted and braided trunks. Their unique style makes these plants great for adding something different to your household decor.


The Philodendron selloum has unique heart-shaped leaves that act as excellent air purifiers for your home. This plant grows very quickly if it’s watered regularly. It can grow in full shade or sunlight. This perennial requires well-drained soil to flourish. It will grow up to 10 feet tall and 6 feet wide indoors if potting allows.

Rubber Tree

The rubber tree, also known as Ficus elastica, has large glossy leaves that are great at converting carbon monoxide into fresh oxygen. They thrive in well-drained potting soil when they’re watered on a regular basis. Native to southern China and Indonesia, this awesome houseplant has been recommended by NASA as a great air-purifying plant. The rubber tree, also called a rubber fig, can grow up to 6 to 10 feet indoors. You’ll be sure to love the unique trait of changing leaf shapes over the lifespan of this one-of-a-kind houseplant.

Expert Indoor Air Quality Services

On Time Experts provides expert indoor air quality services for the entire Garland, TX region. We also provide quality cooling, heating, plumbing, air purification, and duct cleaning services. Contact our office today to schedule your next service appointment with one of our highly knowledgeable technicians.

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