One of the most common reasons an HVAC fails is due to lack of maintenance. Every six months, you need to get a technician out to make sure your system is running safely and efficiently. We believe our rejuvenations are the best way to ensure that.

Sometimes you move into a house that has an existing HVAC and think “I’ll just let this ride and see what happens, maybe wash the outside every ten years or so, and it will be fine.” On the contrary – we need to check the electrical connections year around. We want to clean those coils and make sure everything is in tip-top shape for you.

I know that having a technician out to your home can cause a little bit of anxiety. What’s he going to find? But let me assure you that we do this every single day of the week. We’re just making sure you’re not over-spending on your electric bills and costly repairs, and that you’re going to be safe for the next six to twelve months.

You also want to regularly change your filters. If you don’t, particulates and junk can get through and cause the system to function poorly. You could even end up with biological growth, which can create a health hazard in your home.

Safety is one of our major concerns during rejuvenation. In the summertime, you’ve got electricity hooked up to wires and refrigerant running through pressure lines. In the winter, we need to check gas connections to make sure they aren’t leaking and that your unit is getting rid of exhaust. Carbon monoxide is a huge concern, but it doesn’t have to be, if you keep up with your maintenance.

If we come out to do your rejuvenation and your system breaks down that season, we will apply the cost of your rejuvenation to any repairs. We want to give you that extra vote of confidence in your system, and in us. Make sure your system is keeping you comfortable this season. Call the On Time Experts at 281-694-7946.


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