Plumbing isn’t just some job for you. You love when it’s done right and lasts forever. You LOVE MAKIN’ PEOPLE HAPPY EVEN MORE. Ya put smiles on the faces of moms and kids, cause you think of ’em like family. You’re neat, clean, and ROCK SOLID HONEST. Drug tests and background checks never worry you.
You’re the plumber (apprentice, tradesman, journeyman, or master) that could make it anywhere. You want more than your current job’s giving you. You got this competitive fire inside you. Growing up, you always found a way to come out on top no matter what sport you played.
Lately, you’ve been thinking it’s time for your dreams for yourself and your family to come out on top, you want to build a career and buy that monster truck, get that lake property, and send your kids to school.
I want you to have that career and make a ton of money plus a bunch of benefits. We’re talking’ $100K – $250K as a tradesman or journeyman and the sky’s the limit. If you got no experience at all, we’ll start you at $12/hr. and pay for your training. Ascend to the rank of a master plumber, management, or more. Shoot, I started at the bottom of the service department And worked my way up to owning the company.
We’re building the best service company in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. And I want you to be part of our team of plumbing all-stars.
Now that kind of trust and pay isn’t for just anybody.
You Gotta Be Able to:
- Make technical explanations simple for families
- Listen to what they want more than what you want to sell them
- Figure out what’s going’ on wrong now and protect families from what’s about to go wrong
- Work on hands and knees for hours under nasty sinks and in crawlspaces
- Keep working until a tsunami wouldn’t make that thing leak…
- Wipe yourself off and smile like it was nothing’
- Spend even more time being’ nice to the kids or fixing’ lightbulbs that are out.
It’s your pleasure helping’ families experience comfort in their homes.
You won’t be working Endless Hours that keep you away from your family. I’m talking’ 40-45 hours a week with vacation and everything. Sure, sometimes our family’s going to need help late at night, and you’ll be the guy to go.
And when that happens, you got to be just as sharp and friendly as in the day. But we’ll make sure you get paid overtime and get time to recover.
If that sounds like it’s right up your alley, USE THE FORM to send me an email. I’ll only read it if you put “I’m that plumber you want, Randy” in the subject line. Don’t include a resumé. I’m not checking your spelling. Just tell me what you want in your career and what you love most about plumbing. I am going to make sure that I can trust you and that your background check is clean. Plus, you got to have a clean driving record. Before I let you in our magic orange trucks are stocked every day with the parts and tools you need.
We have fun at work. We celebrate birthdays and get fired up at all our meetings. We’ve even got a competition to see which teams give the best service to our family. Isn’t any way you can win unless you got a whatever-it-takes tattoo on your heart. Meaning’ you’ll do whatever it takes to make it right for our customers (our family). Whatever it takes.

Join our family of plumbing virtuosos. If you can make it happen, I’ll do whatever it takes to make your career happen.