Over the last few years, indoor air quality has become one of the EPA’s top five environmental risks to public health. In fact, indoor air can be 12 times more polluted than the worst outdoor air. How healthy is your home air?
Any home has numerous causes of pollutants:

  • Combustion Sources: Gas, kerosene, oil, coal, wood, and, of course, tobacco products.
  • Home Furnishings: Deteriorating asbestos-containing insulation, wet carpets, and certain pressed wood products.
  • Household Cleaning & Personal Care Products

Many of these in-home pollutants are circulated – in some cases, six times per hour –throughout your house by the air conditioning and heating system.
Poorly maintained HVAC systems only add to the severity of indoor air quality concerns. A simple air duct cleaning can go a long way in promoting clean air, but there are other ways to improve the quality of your home air.

3 Ways to Instantly Improve Indoor Air Quality

Source Control: Eliminate sources and reduce emissions of clean air contaminants. For example, seal off attic areas where asbestos-carrying insulation is located and adjust gas stoves to produce fewer emissions.

  • Improve Ventilation: Poor ventilation is a leading cause of indoor pollutants. Pollutant levels increase when not enough outside air enters the house and mixes with indoor air, and when not enough polluted air exits the house. Increased temperatures and high humidity increase pollutant concentration, making increased ventilation even more important.
  • Air Cleaning: Cleaners and purifiers pull pollutants from indoor air. The effectiveness of the equipment depends on how well it collects the pollutants from the indoor air and how much air it draws through the filtering element. Larger units tend to be more effective than tabletop cleaners.
    It’s crucial to your health that your home air be free from pollutants. The steps above are proactive measures to improve indoor air quality and prevent health issues from developing.

If you experience any symptoms of poor air quality in your home – headaches, random sneezing, watery eyes – take these symptoms seriously and follow the appropriate steps to improve the air quality of your home.

When you’re ready to have your home air assessed, contact us online, or call one of our locations below: 281-694-7946.

Meet the Author
Randy Kelley
Randy Kelley


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