Our management not only takes care of customers- but they also take care of employees. It’s a great place to work because you feel like family.
Every month, management has a cookout for the team. If we hit budget, we might be getting T-bones or filets. If we don’t, it might be hamburgers and hotdogs, but it’s all made with the same intent. They want to make sure we know we’re appreciated.
We want our clients to feel the same way. Whenever I go into a home, I always want to treat the client as if it were my very own grandmother. How would I want her to be treated? I want to figure out what the problem is, and fix it to the client’s satisfaction.
As team members, we’re given permission to do whatever it takes to make a client happy. It makes you feel confident to go into a home and know that you’ll never have to ask, “Can I do this for the client?” In fact, that question’s not even allowed. We know that we can do whatever it is that we need to do to make the customer happy.
If you’re looking for a great company to work for, consider becoming an On Time Experts. The first step to becoming a part of the family is to apply.
-John Snyder, Comfort Expert.