It’s important for families to take these high Texas temperatures into account. Not only do extreme heat and humidity impact your air conditioner – as overworked systems tend to die earlier – but they also affect your health. And, while running your AC all day and night is one solution, there are many others.
Many homeowners believe that only a constantly running air conditioner truly relieves the heaviness of heat and humidity, but this is not true – and it’s likely to cost you big time in terms of utilities.
There are other options for homeowners to take on the burden of Texas temperatures. Try the following DIY tips to have a safe and comfortable summer without running up the electric bill.
- Stock up on frosty drinks and cold food. Consuming chilled food and drinks helps to decrease your internal temperature.
- Install an awning. These are designed to reduce the amount of heat your home absorbs.
- Close windows. Opening windows in the middle of the day increases your home’s indoor temperature – that’s the hot air you’re letting in. If you want to open your windows, do it at night when the outside air is cooler.
- Close curtains or blinds. By blocking the sun’s rays from pouring into your home, you’re able to lessen the heat impact.
- Keep your refrigerator stocked. Full fridges don’t warm up as fast when the door is open, and they require less energy to maintain cool temps.
- Plant trees. Not only does this increase oxygen, but it also provides shade and helps protect your house from the heat.
- Use an attic hatch cover. Hot air moves toward cool air, so in the summer, hot air from your attic is drawn to your cool living areas. An attic hatch reduces this airflow by 55%.
- Perform weather-stripping. A door that is tight from humidity in the summer may become loose and drafty in the winter. With proper weather stripping, these issues are avoided.
- Use ceiling fans. – These are powerful yet often underestimated aids to help give your AC a break.
- Avoid air-conditioning unused rooms. Proper thermostat programming helps with this.
- Provide shade for your AC. Doing so increases your unit’s efficiency by 5-10 percent.
- Clean the AC’s air filter monthly. If you don’t clean or replace your filters on a monthly basis, it leads to a nasty collection of dust and dirt. In addition to being unhealthy, a dirty air filter also inhabits airflow.
- Make sure your HVAC is sized properly. An improperly sized unit translates to inefficient cooling and higher energy costs.
- Set your thermostat appropriately. You should aim for 78 degrees when you’re home and 85 degrees when you’re out.
- Avoid landscaping with cement or asphalt. These materials elevate heat around the house significantly.
Given the upcoming weather forecasts, and those already notoriously high Texas temperatures, it’s more important than ever to ensure that you and your family are prepared. Use these tips and tricks to stay cool while running your AC system sparingly.
Want to know more about keeping your air conditioner running efficiently through the brutal Texas temperatures? Contact the On Time Experts! Your very own Comfort Consultant is standing by to help keep your family comfortable year-round.
Call: 281-694-7946.