Think of your water heater like your car; it takes a little maintenance to keep it running smoothly. I’m not saying you have to check your water heater once a month, but make sure you have a professional look at it at least once a year.

Our water isn’t the cleanest stuff, so sediment collects in the water heater. The more it builds up, the less hot water you’re going to get. It has to work a lot harder and will cost you more on your electricity or gas bill. So, we recommend flushing the tank once a year.

We also need to check the anode rod, which collects all the particles from the water to keep your tank safe. If it isn’t working properly, all the chemicals in your water start attacking the tank.

Lack of maintenance will shorten the life of your water heater by about two to five years. You’ll probably first notice an issue when you start receiving less hot water than you’re used to.

Do you think your water heater might be failing? Here are signs to look for from Randy Kelley

  1. Strange Noises
    Sediment build up sometimes results in strange noises, so you’ll definitely want to give us a call.
  2. Strange Smells
    If you turn on your hot water and smell something strange, that’s another indication that something could be going wrong with your water heater.
  3. Discolored Water
    Rusty, discolored water is another sign that you could have a water heater failure pretty soon.
  4. Leaking Water
    If your water heater is leaking, it’s almost certain that you have a failure.

5 Surprisingly Simple Heater Maintenance Tips For A Healthy Home

You want to take every possible safety precaution for your home, but you can’t afford 5-star maintenance service every month. Well, you don’t need it. Effective heater maintenance is built around five basic, incredibly simple, and inexpensive tasks.

Here’s how you ensure a safe and sufficient heating system without breaking the bank on maintenance service.

  1. Check Gas Pressure
    To check your gas pressure, you’ll need a manometer – a device that uses water columns to measure pressure. A typical gas pressure reading should be between 4 – 7 inches wc (water column.) Most service providers set the gas pressure regulator at 5.5. But if you’re pressure number exceeds 7, or dips below 4, there’s a potentially dangerous problem within your system, and should be looked at by a professional.

    Too High— When gas pressure is too high, it drains the life of your furnace. Dangerously high gas pressure also leads to an overheating of your system, which either results in a total power failure or a life-threatening explosion.
    Too Low – When gas pressure is too low, your system works harder to compensate for the lost gas. This increases your energy bill, and you end up paying more than you should for your heat.

  2. Make Sure Fan Is Clean
    If your furnace problem involves insufficient heat, the first you should check is the fan. If your motor turns on, it’s not a problem with the interior of the system – it just means the airflow is somehow being obstructed. And it’s probably due to a dirty or debris-filled fan.
    When your fan is covered in dirt or dust, its ability to push air through your vents is hindered. This means that your motor works extra hard to compensate, and you pay higher energy costs.
  3. Make Sure Evaporator Coils Are Clean
    Another key component to the airflow process – evaporator coils are responsible for converting cold air to warm air in a heat pump or warm air to cold air in the air conditioning mode. These coils act as a final passage for airflow as it travels into your home. If it’s clogged with dust, not only is that dust going into your home, but it’s also weakening airflow impact. Again, this means paying more for energy costs.
  4. Change Filters Regularly
    Your furnace filters trap dust and dirt, filtering only clean, healthy air into your home. Most service providers recommend you change your filters every 30 days – a safer bet would be changing them as soon as discoloration is visible. When they no longer look brand new, they no longer function as they did brand new.
  5. Inspect Heat Exchanger with Infrared Camera
    An infrared camera (or thermographic camera) detects thermal energy. It is used to detect micro-cracks in the heat exchanger. These micro-cracks are not something you can see without the infrared camera. If there is a crack in the heat exchanger it means it has failed and can potentially let carbon monoxide into the air stream as it enters the home. Carbon Monoxide is an odorless gas that is very lethal. A professional technician should handle checking your heat exchanger for these types of cracks.

    Never continue the use of a heat exchanger after 8 years – it won’t function correctly or safely.

  6. A powerful system, your furnace is not something to leave unattended for months at a time. Heating maintenance doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg, but a lack of heating maintenance could ultimately cost you much more. If you complete these five simple steps every few months, your furnace remains strong and safe, saving you money and some seriously dangerous accidents.

    Want to learn more about safe and simple heating maintenance? Call the Comfort Consultants from On Time Experts at 281-694-7946 or send us an email to begin your Home Comfort Process today.

    What now?

    Give us a call at 281-694-7946 or visit us online and fill out a web submission. We’ll come out and take a look. First and foremost, we’re going to drain the water heater a little bit so we can see exactly what’s going on with the water.

    We’ll do an overall inspection of the water heater- the electronics, pilot, etc. If the tank has failed, we’ll show you all of your options and give you an upfront price. We’re not going to come back later and tell you that we missed something. The price we present you with is the price you pay.

    To find out more about your water heater options, or if you’re seeing any of the signs above, again, give us a call at any area code: 281-694-7946.

    Meet the Author
    Randy Kelley
    Randy Kelley


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